Poker variants

There are many poker variants ; once you know the basics of it, every variant feels easy to play.

Texas Hold 'em Poker Game : Texas Hold 'em Poker is the oldest of Poker variants. This poker variant usually played between 2-10 poker players. Two Hole cards are distributed to each player, in hand, with four rounds of betting - Pre-Flop, Flop, Turn & River. Players have the option to raise, call the bets, re-raise, check or fold their hand. The player, in the end, takes the pot. If it's a tie between two or more poker players, the pot is split into equal parts.


Omaha Poker Game : Omaha Poker is played precisely like NLH, but in this poker variant the number of hole cards increases from 2 to 4, and the max bet size is the pot amount. You have to use 2 cards from the 4 hole cards distributed.


5 Card Omaha Poker Game : It's one of the newest variants of Poker. It's played exactly the same as PLO, just that, instead of 4 hole cards, 5 cards are distributed to each player.
